A helpful App to keep your job-sites organized
We all have our daily rituals and tools that we can’t function without. For me, grabbing my Iphone every morning is one of those rituals. Not only is it crucial for communication, there are also other apps that allow my day to flow smoothly and allow me to be more proficient. YouNote is among one of my favorite apps that I use throughout the day. It allows me to easily organize the jobs I am currently working on or quoting, and also allows me to add in specific notes pertaining to those jobs.
The flexibility of YouNote is what separates it from your average notepad app. In the YouNote app, you can make AudioNotes, PictNotes (photos), DrawNotes (sketches), TextNotes, WebNotes (screenshots from webpages) and MultiNotes. You can create individual folders for each job and store the notes in these folders. You can then link jobs via your choice of tags: a color, geolocation, or something else of your choice. For me, I love to use YouNote to make audio notes, store jobsite locations, and geotag locations.
I know I am not the only who is guilty of writing notes on paper and putting them through the wash. YouNote helps you avoid that problem and gives you an easy way to organize current and potential jobsites right at your fingertips. Your notes can be emailed, backed up, and accessed from a computer.
YouNote sells for $2.99 and is available for Apple products.