Attributes of a Lineman
There are many men and women out there today who risk their lives by working as electrical linemen. They give us access to electricity every day, and for that, they are America’s unsung heroes. Power is always restored in the aftermath of disastrous storms, and we all appreciate the hard work put in. Linemen carry a unique set of attributes that allow them to tackle any task necessary.
Mental and Physical Toughness
It takes a lot of mental and physical toughness to be a lineman. There are many challenges thrown their way that most of us could not handle. For instance, they need to be in good physical shape to climb electrical poles and transmission towers. Line work requires a bit of athleticism. That way, it makes some of the exhausting physical aspects of the work easier. Fatigue can lead to a life-threatening injury also. Handling heavy equipment and other materials is difficult when climbing 40 to several hundred feet off the ground. Having the mental toughness to know you’re dealing with dangerous equipment is also crucial. Linemen are always at risk when on the job. Knowing how to stay safe to avoid deadly situations is crucial. That takes a lot of mental stability to deal with the stress.
Not Afraid of Heights
Working in elevated conditions is not for everyone. Linemen deal with height ranges from 10 feet to around 180 feet, depending on the circumstance. Sometimes they have to deal with working high up for hours at a time. They also need to carry the necessary equipment while climbing up poles, which can be stressful. To be successful, linemen need to mitigate any fears that may hold them back. There’s also the chance of extreme weather conditions during the job. There may be wind, rain, storms, or anything that could make a fear of climbing even more difficult.
Linemen need to be career-driven in order to excel. It’s not just a career; it’s a lifestyle. Being passionate about your work is something most employees should care for, although it’s critical as a lineman. If someone’s not invested in the job, then mistakes could possibly occur. They’re not just working by themselves; they have to work with their team. Leadership, cooperation, dependability, integrity, and self-control are some characteristics most lineman should have. Linemen need to lead and offer opinions to their coworkers. Being cooperative with a team will make the job a whole lot easier. Dependability is a huge part of the job. People depend on linemen to restore power when needed. The long hours can take a toll, but there’s no way around it. Emergencies and severe weather put lineman to work unexpectedly, without knowing how long it will take. Families may not like the hours, but it all works out when everyone is on the same page.
Hands-on Learner
There’s only so much that can be learned and studied before becoming a lineman. It takes practice and repetition to master the trade. Working with high-voltage electrical power lines takes time that only hands-on learning can provide. The first step in becoming a lineman is to get hired as an apprentice. That requires, at the minimum, four years of education and training before officially becoming a lineman. Linemen apprentices work with multiple crews and learn the necessary skills to master the career. It’s a great way to do hands-on learning right away.
Linemen must have a great understanding of electrical and power equipment. Along with well-known knowledge of electrical currents, voltage, and resistance. Possessing analytical and problem-solving skills are crucial when power cables need repairs or replacement. Technical knowledge can help avoid any serious injury. Usually, in linemen training programs, students are tested on their electrical knowledge through simulated labs. This is a great way to assess situations without any serious danger. Linemen also need to have an understanding of mathematics, such as geometry, trigonometry, and algebra.
Put those skills to work with our American-made products
Linemen are heroes for all the dedicated work they put in to keep our power running. We offer a wide array of standard and custom-designed tools to help them tackle any challenge. Our tools are 100% made in the U.S.A. and provide years of trouble-free service. We provide distribution lineman wrenches, transmission lineman’s wrenches, double shot sockets, triple square impact sockets, specialty lineman wrenches, and other accessories to name a few. We help hard-working linemen stay safe and get the job done right with our American-made products!